Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Episode 3: The Path to Lovin'

So the car is in the proverbial shop. It started doing this weird thing a few months ago where the brakes would squeak first thing in the morning, the first few times I push the brakes. I did what most people do in my situation which is ignore it and hope it goes away. But my car is not an organism; it will not heal itself.

Anyway, I had to pick up some paint from my Dad's place which he had picked up for me (repainting the bathroom cabinet), but now I had no car and I loathe the bus (too many people), and so I was complaining about this Saturday morning to Lani, how my weekend is going to be totally unproductive now and all I wanted was for her to say "that sucks," but instead she told me I was lazy and why don't I just take her bike. I'm not lazy, I said, I used to be a lifeguard. Of course that was over ten years ago and now the most exercise I get is from sitting on a swiss ball in the breakroom at lunch. So I said "Fine, I will," just to prove I wasn't out of shape, and rode my bike almost fifteen kilometers to my Dad's place.

Steller's Jay
But this unexpected thing happened on the ride: I enjoyed it. My Dad lives just off the Galloping Goose, a regional bike and pedestrian only path. I heard a loud rapping in the woods and saw a dark blue bird which Lani says was probably a Steller's Jay. Then, on the way home, (my litre of paint in the pannier), I saw a ruddy lump just off the path ahead. As I got closer, it started to look like a brown bag, then just as I was gliding past, it flew up, this gigantic eagle or something, which Lani said was probably a Red Tailed Hawk. I stopped to watch it and it landed on the yellow "caution, public road" sign up ahead. It started to drizzle lightly then, which was actually kind of refreshing.

I told Lani about the birds as I undressed in our bedroom, and since I was so warm and wet from my ride, the single-pane windows started steaming up.

Well, then another unexpected thing happened. Lani helped me take my shirt off and tossed it on the floor. The way she was smiling, I could tell she wasn't just trying to get a load of laundry together. To make the short story shorter, we got naked. And it was awesome. In fact, I never did paint the bathroom cabinet.

Red Tailed Hawk
Yesterday, I picked up the car. The brakes are quiet as mouses, and it actually cost a bit less than I thought. I said Lani, let's celebrate. How about driving down to the beach for ice cream, my treat. She said she'd rather ride her bike. But I don't have a bike, I said, so that's kind of a lame date. Then she suggested we go get me one.

She thinks she's sneaky. But I know what she's up to. I said, sure, why not. It might be fun once in a while. Besides, what's it gonna cost me?

The Bike Path to Lovin':

1 comment:

  1. A little of this, a little of that. Enough to keep us guessing and get us thinking. I'm loving this!
